A few days ago, I was standing outside in the driveway.  It was a very pretty day.  The beginning of spring.  I was just looking around at the sky and the trees and as I stood there I had this sort of strange thought or vision.   I’m not sure what it was, but it felt like….like a glimpse into heaven.  It sort of seemed that time had just stopped for a moment.

I saw myself in heaven, after I had lived a long life, looking back down over my life and the chance I was given “at life.” And I was asking myself the question “Why was I such a chicken?”  “Why didn’t I just say and do exactly what I had worked so many years to think and believe, and not worry if this person or that person MIGHT be offended.  I had my chance.  My chance of 100 years, more or less, to really make a difference in the world.  And I succumbed to the thorn in my side that others provided.  To the opinions others had of who I was, how I lived my life, the choices I made, the words I chose to use and the tone I might have had.

And evil, that force that does not want me to bring light or help or an idea to the souls of this earth that crave it, was satisfied.  Evil thought he had done a good job.  Those thoughts that he’d planted into the heads of the people who came upon my path and got me off the course God had set for me, had done their job nicely.  Thank you very much.  Not to mention the thoughts evil had dropped into my own mind and I had allowed to take hold.

And so…….I was distracted by the earthly.  By the dailyness of silly, unimportant minutia.   Words and actions of others that weren’t part of God’s plan for me.  Better said:  I allowed myself to be distracted by the things of this world.  I allowed a diversion from my course, my destiny, my adventure, my purpose, the reason God sent me here with these particular gifts and abilities.  I allowed evil to penetrate my world, when all along, at any moment, I had always had the power to send it away.  To correct my course.  To steer straight again.  Just like Dorothy could have gone home at any time with the whisper of a few words.  Jesus.

Whooooossshhhhh!  Back down to earth.

The wonderful thing about getting older is we start to care less and less about what other’s think of us.  Haven’t you spoken to amazing older men or women (the kind you want to be like) that were set in their ways and beliefs and didn’t give a whit about what anyone thought?

And just when I was looking for something good about aging as I saw another wrinkle in the mirror the other day, God provided me with this little experience.

You are, indeed, an awesome God.


  1. Oooh, yes!! This is good. Brings to mind my favorite saying in Latin, “Carpe deum!” Seize the day. Time is precious, and our REAL life awaits. Only what we do for Him will last! Thank you!

  2. Catherine says:

    You will never know how very timely this came to me, dear sis! FEAR – False Evidence (or Emotions) APPEARING Real ~ THIS is what keep us from our high calling! BUSY ~ Being Under Satan’s Yoke! This is another distraction and lie. I agree with Jennifer, time is SO VERY SHORT…we must needs keep our personal account very short with Yahweh! Hugs, blessing & encouragement to do just what you are called to do!

  3. Carrie says:

    Inspiring, what a wonderful refreshment from the Lord!

  4. Johnny C says:

    Blessed be our God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit for this wonderful chance which He had given to us: to live and pray and help each others! I am so BUSY these days! Please pray for my salvation! God shall be with you and with your families now and in the eternal life!

  5. Allison says:

    Thanks guys. All awesome comments! Praying for you Johnny C!

  6. Anne says:

    Thank you so much for this post! I can’t put into words how much it has helped me, and at a time when I needed it so…:) God is awesome! May He bless you and your wonderful family!

  7. Allison says:

    Thank you so much Anne. You are an encouragement! And may God bless you and yours also!

  8. Wendy says:

    Allison, that was very touching as I am now after a purpose in my new chapter of life. Would you mind if I used your picture of the sky and trees? It is very fitting for a project I am working on. Thanks in advance……
    You can e-mail me and I can tell you what it is if you would like. This picture hit me like it hit you. Thanks for taking it.

  9. Michele says:

    Thanks for sharing Allison! Just recently I’ve finally started waking up to identify what is of God and what is of man because the things of man (our broken world) was really depressing me. I had a glimpse of heaven recently. I had prayed that I could have a Real personal relationship, not something that someone else said I should do or say. Then one evening, Jesus appeared to me in an image. The image was a pastoral scene with rolling hills in the background and in the foreground was a tree by a quiet pond. Under the tree was a place to sit made of stone and standing under the tree looking at me was Jesus. He called me by name and said He heard my prayer.

  10. Rebekah says:

    It is so amazing how GOD will confirm a thought that needs be embedded deep into our souls so we can walk out the truth of HIS light. I have been moved to really take a look at my life and have it be used to its fullest, but as you know the morning can consume you into the little delights that take away from GOD’s freshness and renewing. I love GOD with all my heart but that doesnt stop the Prince of the air to pollute my actions and mostly my thoughts with nothing important. We have to treat our lives as if we are terminal for JESUS. If we look at life like we are infected with JESUS and we get the chance to do greater things than HE did, why are our hours, minutes and days not used to wittness these amazing acts that GOD said we had the priviledge to be part of? I’m getting off my tuff and saying “YES LORD” I give you my day, use me in the greatest way, prepare my path to deliver your goodness to the lost and broken, Our job isnt our earthly job, it’s to seek out who are lost, it is our job to practice LOVE in ways that will let our light shine. I find you have to be light hearted about people’s opinions and actions. They cant see what we see as Children of GOD. When we can see people as lost and dying by the scales of Satan then we can stradegize on encouraging a way of new thinking. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. This is crucial. the mind is where it all comes. Get that helmet of rightousness on. Think right, do right and you will taste and see the goodness of GOD. Praise, rejoiice in the LORD always, it squeezes out the darkness that trys to overtake us in a minute by minute battle. I have seen the Heavenly’s too and I told GOD I couldnt come there because I wanted to be part of the work that needed to be done, yet I havent beeen doing it. I’m taking charge today, tomorrow and everyday to sieze what GOD wants me to do. Praise the Lord for revealing yourself and being there in the midst of all our created messes.

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