My blog, or as I like to think of it, the archive for my children some day, has been unattended for quite some time now, but lately it’s been on my mind.
Looking at posts I’d started, but never finished, this one is a look into my mind and what was happening a couple of years ago.
So what in the world are we doing this year? For school? For life? For our purpose? Life. Children. Dreams. How do I do it all? How am I a good mom? A good wife? Fulfilling my purpose. Teaching my children not just academics, but what they need to live. Really live. Too many ideas, plans, desires, needs, cell phones, laptops, appointments, meals to execute, people to talk to, concerns for this and that. Jesus focus me please. Take away the extraneous. Show me how. Order my days. Calm my mind in the middle of this chaos.
So ok, enough of the drama. Let’s get real. For educating these amazing 5 children that God has blessed us with, we chose not to do Classical Conversations (CC) this year. 2015-2016. We have done it in varying degrees over the last 4 years. This year? Nope. Cant do it. I go by my gut in almost every decision. It usually proves right. Things change. Seasons change. The needs for all change. And so we go with the flow.
CC for this introvert is very taxing. A rigorous, classical homeschool program where we would attend once a week. I needed an entire day to recover after our day of school. I enjoyed it. Loved the people. Lots of good friends. But for an introvert, it is very draining, not to mention absorbing all of the information to then help the children learn the next week. Maybe another year, we will go back. Who knows and that’s ok. The most important thing in homeschooling our kids is that mom is present. Mentally. And Mom loves the plan and loves what she is doing. Or things won’t be pretty :)
It’s our oldest’s senior year. And she/we have just decided she will go to college next year. One of my biggest goals is to spend as much time with her as possible this year. Sowing, loving, seeing her. Really seeing. What else? Back to Joanne Calderwood and the Self Propelled Advantage. This is instrumental in my approach to homeschooling. Here is a post explaining what it is. She calls herself the Underwhelmed Mom and she is right.
What’s up with me? About 18 months ago I said to my husband after we had discussed the possibilities of residual or passive income over the previous 7-8 years and how could we make that happen, “Hey! Ive been loving using these essential oils for 4 years for health, for our family, you, me – and guess what? I could teach classes about these? It would be so fun, a great outlet, and the potential income is amazing. What do you think?” Sure, he said, so we’ve been building this side business since then.
Sales is the last thing I would ever want to be involved in. It’s just not me. But teach? Yes! That’s my thing! I remember thinking in college, if this TV career thing doesn’t pan out, I’d want to be a teacher. So it’s been in there for a long time. So I teach. I’m not invested at all in whether a person wants to join our team of people moving toward natural health. If it’s meant to be, it will be and that’s all there is to it.
For my guy? Wow! What a year it’s been. Going from solo practitioner lawyer out of our house for the last 6 years to growing his business, hiring lawyers, buying a cool, old house to renovate and office out of, learning the art of business, writing a book soon to be published, and we are both in a mega-learning curve about honing it all down to using our gifts and delegating the rest. Bless your heart Lord God!
It’s busy, it’s growth and I’m darn glad our kids are here to see it all. I want them to have that entrepreunurial spirit. To know what hard work is, to find their purpose for this life, and to pursue it ’til they get it!
So that’s it in a nut shell. God bless you and your beautiful families and don’t forget to pursue your dreams! God put them there for a reason!