My blog, or as I like to think of it, the archive for my children some day, has been unattended for quite some time now, but lately it’s been on my mind. Looking at posts I’d started, but never finished, this one is a look into my mind and what was happening a couple of years […]
These are absolutely the best cups I have found for a dinner table containing children I have searched high and low for the last year for the perfect cup that will not tip over. We had some similar that we used so often AND mistakenly put in the dishwasher too many times, that are now […]
Ahh yes. Clean and Simple. That makes me happy. Well, we all know happiness has many different facets, but I CAN say from experience that this does, in fact, help. Too Much Stuff Every now and then, the STUFF in our house completely and totally gets to me. It paralyzes me and I cannot do […]
Three weeks ago, when I came across this book in my favorite store in Dallas, Whole Earth Provision, I immediately decided to buy it. And, of course, my 9 year old, Lego Master of the Universe, has not put it down since. Click here to see it on Amazon. And how exciting to see that there […]