The other day my children and I were standing in the front yard talking to one of my good friends.  My 8 year old said to her “Daddy is moving home next week.”  She thought “Oh my.  Has there been some trouble?  Did he move out and now he is moving back?”  I have laughed […]

Daddy Is Coming Home!

I’ve had it in my mind to tell you all this true story for as long as this website has been up and I apologize for taking so long, because I believe it is very important.  Let’s get right to it. There is a woman named Dodie Osteen. She is the mother of Joel Osteen […]

A Miraculous Story of Healing From A Cancer Death Sentence

I Never Liked History In School It consisted of memorizing meaningless dates and reading boring textbooks.  “Who cared,” I thought.  Nor do I remember a history teacher that brought it to life.  (Thank goodness I married a college history major)

Dr. Rufus Fears and Notes For The History Challenged Among Us

Before we talk about those 5 little words that have become my latest revelation, let me say this:  I haven’t published a post in quite a while.  It seems like all of a sudden life turned into a whirlwind.  Well, maybe I should say, more of a whirlwind than usual.   I haven’t been able […]

5 Profound Words To A Husband

These are my good friends and this is the latest program that we have produced.  It is in 3 – 10 minute segments.  Parts 2 and 3 are next.   I think it will really bless you, whether you are having problems in your marriage or not.  Visit them at

What If My Husband Is A Jerk?
