May 11, 2011  Noon We are all 5, Matthew, Emma and Meg (our daughters 13 and 10,) my mother and I, in our seats on Ethiopian Airlines about to depart Washington DC straight, nonstop, to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  A 13 hour flight. From Oklahoma City you must do a 16 hour layover to connect to […]

Ethiopia Adoption – Pt 10 – Back to Africa!

  The pic above is Sally and me.  Still in Ethiopia.  Our first night.   Flummoxing. 6 weeks after coming home with Sally. Selamawit. She is precious, happy and a good eater. The sleeping has me off kilter though. Yes, it is a gap year. A new baby born or adopted, a major move. It’s […]

Chaos and Order – 6 Weeks After Coming Home From Ethiopia

Emma, my mom, Matt and Meg Journal entries from our 2nd trip to Ethiopia in May 2011 May 5, 2011 Hi all, Well, the big day is upon us.  We are leaving this Monday, May 9th for Ethiopia.  We are taking our 2 daughters, Emma 13, and Meg 10 and also my mother.  My mom […]

Ethiopia Adoption Part 9 – The Name

Friday, April 1, 2011  9pm  Addis Ababa Airport Right now we are sitting on the floor in the gate area where our plane will take off in about an hour. This morning we had our usual breakfast with various other adoptive parents.  We have an omelet every day with cheese and veggies.  There is a […]

Ethiopia Adoption-Part 8-Last Day Trip 1

Thursday, March 31, 2011  10pm Quick summary of recent Ethiopian history.  Emperor Menelik reunited Ethiopia in the  late 1800’s from existing as many smaller kingdoms.  He died about 1915.  Hailie Selassie came to power and was in power until 1974 as Emperor.  He was liked by some because he did a lot of good for […]

Ethiopia Adoption – Part 7
