Greek style yogurt made with raw milk.  Wow!  It doesn’t get much better than that!  Plus a simple granola recipe to go with it.  Enjoy!

Raw Milk Yogurt – So Easy!

Painting the ceiling when you have white woodwork.  It is not hard.  Don’t let that sway you from doing it yourself or doing it at all.  There are two areas I want to discuss with you. Color And Technique Let’s start with COLOR PAINT THE CEILING THE SAME WHITE AS YOU PAINTED THE CROWN MOLDING […]

Painting The Ceiling

It’s so awesome to be able to eat really good pancakes or waffles with no guilt or sugar crash and lots of protein! Here we go: 2 large eggs 1/4 cup maple syrup 1 T Vanilla extract 1/4 cup milk (you could use water) 1 1/2 cups Almond Four 1/2 salt (Pink Himalayan is best!) […]

Almond Flour Pancakes

These are absolutely the best cups I have found for a dinner table containing children I have searched high and low for the last year for the perfect cup that will not tip over. We had some similar that we used so often AND mistakenly put in the dishwasher too many times, that are now […]

The Perfect Cup For The Home With Children

Ahh yes.  Clean and Simple.  That makes me happy. Well, we all know happiness has many different facets, but I CAN say from experience that this does, in fact, help. Too Much Stuff Every now and then, the STUFF in our house completely and totally gets to me. It paralyzes me and I cannot do […]

Simplify Your Home and Be Happy
